
Explore Wellness

Swimming pond swimmer

6 Ways to Boost Your Immune System This Winter

With winter on the way, our bodies can benefit from a boost to help fight off the slew of seasonal bugs and help us stay in tip-top condition.  From healthy eating and exercise to mindfulness and meditation, there are several simple and super-effective steps you can take to boost your immune system and maximise your health this winter. 

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10 Benefits of Reflexology


Did you know that World Reflexology Week is just around the corner? It’s the perfect time to find out more about this non-invasive complementary health therapy with roots in ancient wisdom. The benefits of reflexology are many and varied, from relieving aches to improving your quality of sleep. Read on to find out if it could help you.

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Pelvio Chair Close Up

The Pelvio Chair: The Secret to a Strong Pelvic Floor

For both men and women, there are lots of reasons why training pelvic floor muscles is really important. Supporting the bladder, bowel, prostate, uterus and more, these muscles play a crucial role in the body’s health. 

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Pregnancy Massage

A Guide to the Perfect Mum to Be Spa Day

What better way to relax than with the perfect mum to be spa day? An idyllic way to treat yourself to well-deserved R&R during your pregnancy and ahead of the arrival of your little one, dreamy spa days offer a wonderful way to unwind. Whether you’re seeking a day of solo relaxation or would like to surround yourself with your favourite people, here are some of the top things to consider to make your spa day as restful and relaxing as can be.

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Discovering the Incredible Benefits of Aerial Yoga

Enter the world of aerial yoga, a practice that has been captivating yogis and transforming bodies around the globe.

Unlike traditional yoga, aerial yoga elevates the experience—quite literally—to new heights. But don’t be fooled into thinking this is just another fitness trend destined to vanish into the Instagram archives.

We’ve all seen the photos: graceful figures suspended in mid-air, wrapped in silks. And yet, you might find yourself wondering, what exactly is the point of hanging upside down? Is there more to aerial yoga than meets the eye?

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S&R 3

Top tips for a successful post-marathon recovery

Everyone knows that preparing for a marathon takes months of sweat, tears and intensive training. But how often do you hear people talk about post-marathon recovery?

Well, we should be talking about it. Because the steps you take after you cross the finish line are almost as important as the strides that got you there.

Call it 'un-training', if you like. Here's how to prepare your mind and body for another 26 miles.

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Wim Hof Bath

Discover The Benefits of a Wim Hof Experience

Cold water therapy has gained a lot of traction over the last few years and, not without good reason.  One thing to note is that this trending technique isn’t just yet another health fad working its way around the various social media platforms. 

We’ve all seen various friends and fitness-nuts proudly plunging their bodies into freezing pools and sharing it on their stories, often leaving us wondering exactly what they’re getting out of it. Well, if you’ve always wondered about the “how” and the “why” behind this seemingly insane behaviour, we’re here to tell you the cold, hard facts behind the Wim Hof Experience.

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Solo Spa Breaks: The Benefits of a Solo Stay

Solo spa breaks offer a wonderful way to reconnect with yourself, tempting with the promise of well-deserved R&R. Far removed from the rhythm of everyday life and the distractions that come along for the ride, these dreamy breaks from reality provide an important opportunity to unwind and settle into a more relaxed pace.  

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2024 goals: how to master realistic New Year goal-setting

It's a trope as old as time. January rolls around and we enter a flurry of New Year goal-setting – only to feel like a failure by February when we inevitably miss our lofty targets.

Newsflash: you are not the problem. It might simply be that your 2023 goals were a little unrealistic. There's nothing wrong with aiming high. But you can't shoot for the stars without first landing on the moon.

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Winter wellness dome

Top tips for boosting your Winter wellness

There’s plenty to look forward to in winter - the roaring fires, hearty recipes and holiday cheer - but winter’s chill can come with a bite. The dropping temperatures, lack of sunshine and reduced exercise can prevent us feeling quite so merry. If you’re feeling in the need for a winter wellness boost, here are our top tips.

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Farmer's market

The Benefits of Sourcing Local Produce

Imagine you could meet and speak to a great-great-great-great-grandparent. What would you talk about?

You'd probably start with technology. Smartphones, computers and the internet would be unthinkably extraordinary for someone born in the 18th century – especially the concept of a digital detox.

Then, invariably, the conversation would turn to food. And your out-of-place antecedent would probably be just as surprised by your dietary habits as they were by your iPhone.


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water drinking from water bottle

The benefits of hydration

When it comes to healthy habits, there is one easy, obvious and frequently overlooked action we can all take: stay hydrated. Your body is mostly water, so your fluid levels can affect your physical and mental well-being much more than you may think. It’s time to focus on the benefits of hydration.

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Natural swim pond

Best Treatments for your Summer Spas

The longer, lighter, warmer days are the ideal time to indulge in a Summer spa. As our schedules get busier, the sun gets hotter and the beaches beckon, it’s the perfect opportunity to press pause, take timeout for wellness and focus on our physical & mental health. At the Glass House, we know how to ensure a Summer spa helps you do all three.

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Cycling as Outdoor Exercise: A Beginner's Guide

You can't beat a bit of outdoor exercise. No gym subscriptions. No space restrictions. No waiting your turn for the treadmill. It's just you, the great outdoors and as much fresh, clean air as you can breathe...

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The Best Tea for a Good Sleep

Our bodies are beautiful, delicate, complicated things. Like the butterfly that flaps up a whirlwind, even tiny lifestyle changes can have a huge impact on our health and well-being.

For instance, did you know that sipping caffeine-free tea can help you sleep better? In this article, we look at the best blends of tea for a good sleep, as well as the importance of sleep for our health and well-being.

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The Benefits of Crystals on your Energy

We all replenish our energy levels in different ways. Those of us who are extroverted may find themselves supercharged by the presence of others, while introverts gain energy wealth from their own company. Sleeping, eating and exercising all play major parts in our energy levels, especially when executed in a balanced way, tuning into induvial needs. But what else can we look to when searching for...

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Fun workouts for your fitness journey

From the endorphin high to achieving our fitness goals, we all know the benefits exercise can have on our mental and physical health. Yet, not all workouts resonate with that we would call ‘fun’ and it isn't always easy to find the willpower to do a HIIT class or go for a jog after a long day....

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Redefining Detox: healthy and balanced living

Detox, the ultimate buzzword of social media. It’s thrown around in hashtags, captions and even used when describing fad diet products. Originally a word associated with removing harmful substances from your life is now often said without meaning, merit or thought. Why? Because hearing and seeing it so much means we’ve become desensitised to its true meaning and its potential, both good...

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Everything you need to know about Veganuary 2023

We're all familiar with that post-Christmas feeling when we swear we'll never eat another mince pie or Quality Street again. Half-eaten boxes of chocolates haunt the cupboards and the fridge is home to a handful of lone Brussel sprouts. It's time to get back into everyday life, but the thought of regular food shopping (that's shopping without copious amounts of festive cheese) feels uninspiring.

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World Vegan Month: Vegan skincare

When we think of being vegan, it's likely the first thing we'll acknowledge is the exciting change to our diets, perhaps we'll also think about adapting our clothing habits to avoid leather and other goods derived from animals or animal by-products. But did you know there's a whole world of vegan skincare?  November is World Vegan Month and also marks the launch of our new Skincare Retreat...

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Seven top wellness and detox tips for your Winter skincare routine

However much you prioritise a healthy lifestyle, Winter can threaten to throw your hard-won detox and wellness gains off course. Colder temperatures, shorter days and seasonal demands on our diets, routines and time can all impact on our skin. But the great news is you can maintain that healthy Summer glow, even as Winter bites. Here are seven top tips for the best Winter skincare routines....

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How to start your fitness journey

So, you’re ready to start your fitness journey? You may be beginning from scratch, picking up an old hobby, or find yourself with all the gear and no idea. Whatever the reasons to begin your fitness journey, you’re here, and you may now realise getting started is the hardest part. Everyone who has ever started their fitness journey has been through this initial stage. Maybe you’re feeling excited...

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The Benefits of Pilates – the hot exercise class of the moment

From gym classes to home video tutorials, the popularity of Pilates is undoubtedly on the rise. Even if you’re not one for the gym or have never taken part in a home workout, we’re sure you’ve heard of this revolutionary exercise that’s taking both workout novices and elite experts by storm...

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Breaking 5 Summer Spa Misconceptions

Perhaps a Summer Spa is the getaway break you need (and deserve)? But wait, aren’t spas where people go to beat the winter blues? And aren’t they just for short stays?There are a lot of misconceptions around Summer Spa breaks, so read on to find out why you might want to ignore them and try a relaxing spa break for yourself...

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The Benefits of Exercising in Nature

Love it or loath it, we all know exercise is good for us. And after we’ve caught our breath, jumped in the shower and soothed aching muscles, there’s no denying we always feel that little bit better after raising our heartbeat and working up a sweat. These feelings aren’t just a coincidence. There are plenty of scientific reasons that prove exercise boosts our mood and makes us ...

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National Vegetarian Week: 5 extremely easy veggie recipes

The 16th May marks the start of National Vegetarian Week, a whole week dedicated to scrummy veggie goodness with vegetarian recipes. Sometimes it can be daunting trying something new, especially if you’re a dedicated meat eater, but once you take the first few steps to the vegetarian way of life, we doubt you’ll look back...

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Breathwork for Anxiety

At The Glass House, we’re dedicated to helping you discover a fresh sense of mental nourishment during our Wellness Retreat. When it comes to managing anxiety, there isn’t a one size fits all method. But there are a few small actions we recommend, to help you achieve a happier, healthier and stress-free version of you: a balanced diet, mindfulness, regular exercise. Including the healing...

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Digital Detox on National Unplugging Day!

The 4th March is the ‘National Day of Unplugging’, a day when we are encouraged to ditch our smartphones and other devices in order to completely digitally detox from constant social media feeds, notifications and emails. With this in mind, The Glass House Detox and Wellness Retreat, based in the heart of the Essex countryside is challenging it’s guests and staff to ‘dare ...

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Trouble sleeping? Drinking the right tea can help

Aaah, sleep, glorious sleep. How wonderful it is to drift off to the land of nod, and to arise, refreshed and ready to face the day seven to eight hours later. But how many people do you know who actually get the optimum amount of sleep? When was the last time you woke up naturally from a deep and nourishing sleep, ready to tackle the day without needing a jolt of caffeine to get you going? ...

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Vegan alternatives at the Glass House Retreat

Since the start of Veganuary in 2014, a growing number of people in the UK turn to a plant-based, vegan diet throughout January to support the planet and their health. At the Glass House Retreat, we understand the importance of a well-balanced, plant-based diet, which is why we use vegan alternatives in our cooking - giving you the benefits of a vegan diet to complement your wellness retreat ...

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Relax, Renew, Rebuild for the New Year

Some say January is the most depressing month. The post-Christmas hangover kicks in at the darkest time of the year. But it’s not all doom and gloom. The start of a new year is exciting. It’s a time for change. A time to reset and establish new goals. But do we stick to our new goals?...

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The Glass House’s Restorative Christmas Gift Guide

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if your Christmas gift to a loved one could avoid the trap of expendable consumerism? If instead of a gadget that keeps them tethered to a stressful world, you could give an experience that helps them relax, recharge and reconnect with things that really matter? A gift of wellness, health, transformation and positive change....

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Top wellbeing benefits of a Scandinavian Sauna at the Glass House Retreat

In our hectic lives it’s hard to find a time and place to pause, breathe deeply and really reconnect. And colder weather can somehow make us our bodies feel even more tense. It’s time then to take some tips from the Scandinavians and turn to saunas to reap wellness benefits during those long, dark winter months...

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My short stay experience at The Glass House Retreat

What is it like staying at the Glass House Retreat? Well, it’s impossible not to relax, everything is so soothing, but delivered with exceptional care. It's casual but professional and welcoming. There are many solo travellers, male and female, as well as small groups of friends. All body types and fitness levels will feel at home. Meals are communal and everyone chats to you and shares their...

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Wellness with Glass House Alternative Therapies

Not long ago in the alcoves of human history, the thought of a surgeon completing open heart or brain surgery was fantastical. The same can be said for the array of pills now available. There’s a pill for everything, or so it feels. All we must do is visit our GP for a few minutes, get our appraisal, and walk away with a blister pack. Job done. Or is it?...

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Meditation VS Mindfulness | Know the Difference

What’s meditation? What’s mindfulness? Vague social posts claiming enlightenment are, usually, unenlightening. Disingenuous or not, we could all do with being in the moment and clearing our minds. However, it’s good to know what’s what. ...

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Veganism May Become Standard

Besides the obvious benefits to our environment and animal welfare, choosing a vegan or plant-based diet might be the healthier option in life...

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Love Your Body: Escape From Unrealistic Ideals

How do you feel about your body? If truth be told, most of us suffer from insecurities about the way we look and the shape of our bodies. Why is this? Well, if we never saw another human, we’d feel totally fine. The issue comes from unrealistic beauty and body standards...

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Embrace a New Lifestyle, Your 2021 Health Reset

We’re simply not eating what we should or exercising enough. And to make things worse, Coronavirus has exacerbated any bad habits we had before...

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Womans Yoga Retreat

Easing Menopause Symptoms with Healthy Lifestyle Choices

For every woman there comes a time during her midlife when menopause arrives. This can show itself in many ways and can differ between women. Some women experience it more intensely than others.  Don’t worry though, if you’re having a tough time with menopause there are lifestyle changes you can make which could help...

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6 Crucial Reasons Veganism is Environmental

Never an Easier Time to Eat Green In the recent past, being a non-meat eater was smirked at. It was divergent from the norm. Now veganism, vegetarianism, and plant-based diets are common and growing exponentially as people wake up to realities of eating meat and dairy.Together we can work towards a safer, greener, healthier, and more animal friendly planet...

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Why Women Deserve & Need Fixed Me-Time

It's should be a right for women to be able to have un-negotiable me time and here's why...

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Veganuary Recipes From The Glass House Kitchen

We are firm believers in the power of plant-based diets. Each week of Veganuary, this blog will share plant-based Veganuary recipes from our chef Miguel Gouveia. Not just for Veganuary. Not just for vegans. These Veganuary recipes are for you- if you love good food that is good for your body. Our intention is to inspire. Power your body • Entice your tastebuds • Eat...

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New Year, New You! - 3 Small Lifestyle Changes for Wellness

This January if you are starting the New Year looking for a new you, don't set yourself up to fail. Start your journey to wellness with small steps...

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5 Small Steps to Kickstart Your Health Transformation

If you want to transform your health and wellness, you don't need to make a wholesale change to your life. Starting with small changes in your eating, exercising and lifestyle will reap larger rewards in the long term...

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GH exercise class

Try the Glass House Detox Programme

The Glass House Programme at the Glass House Retreat offers the very latest wellness, detox and weight loss treatments—including whole body cryotherapy – giving people the chance to transform their health and wellbeing...

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The Amazing Effects of Exercise on your Mental Health

From toning up your body to boosting mental wellbeing or getting you high. The amazing effects of exercise can't be denied...

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Top 3 Surprising Reasons to Lose Weight

The top three reasons to lose weight include better food appreciation, better sleep and better sex! What more could you want?...

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5 hard to ignore health benefits of plant based diets

You might find a plant-based diet the way forward, after reading these hard to ignore health benefits. Loosely, a plant-based diet is one based on vegetables, fruits, and wholegrains—though not exclusively vegetarian, vegan, or pescatarian...

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Snowy Mountain Top

Embrace the Cold - Benefits of Cold Therapy

For thousands of years humans evolved to live outside in all conditions. Not spend our lives indoors in air-conditioned offices or central heated homes. 

Wim Hof is one of the world's leading promoters of cold therapy and if it was up to Hof, we'd spend most of our lives outside.

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lady running through the park

The Glass House - New Detox and Weight Loss Retreat Near London Opens 2019

The UK’s first purpose-built detox and weight loss retreat will launch later this year, located in the Essex countryside, only 50 minutes' drive from Central London.

The Glass House Retreat is a visionary project, created by local property entrepreneurs, offering the latest wellness, detox, and weight loss treatments—including whole body cryotherapy.

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Seven top wellness and detox tips for your Winter skincare routine

However much you prioritise a healthy lifestyle, Winter can threaten to throw your hard-won detox and wellness gains off course. Colder temperatures, shorter days and seasonal demands on our diets, routines and time can all impact on our skin. But the great news is you can maintain that healthy Summer glow, even as Winter bites. Here are seven top tips for the best Winter skincare routines....

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How to start your fitness journey

So, you’re ready to start your fitness journey? You may be beginning from scratch, picking up an old hobby, or find yourself with all the gear and no idea. Whatever the reasons to begin your fitness journey, you’re here, and you may now realise getting started is the hardest part. Everyone who has ever started their fitness journey has been through this initial stage. Maybe you’re feeling excited...

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The Benefits of Pilates – the hot exercise class of the moment

From gym classes to home video tutorials, the popularity of Pilates is undoubtedly on the rise. Even if you’re not one for the gym or have never taken part in a home workout, we’re sure you’ve heard of this revolutionary exercise that’s taking both workout novices and elite experts by storm...

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Breaking 5 Summer Spa Misconceptions

Perhaps a Summer Spa is the getaway break you need (and deserve)? But wait, aren’t spas where people go to beat the winter blues? And aren’t they just for short stays?There are a lot of misconceptions around Summer Spa breaks, so read on to find out why you might want to ignore them and try a relaxing spa break for yourself...

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The Benefits of Exercising in Nature

Love it or loath it, we all know exercise is good for us. And after we’ve caught our breath, jumped in the shower and soothed aching muscles, there’s no denying we always feel that little bit better after raising our heartbeat and working up a sweat. These feelings aren’t just a coincidence. There are plenty of scientific reasons that prove exercise boosts our mood and makes us ...

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National Vegetarian Week: 5 extremely easy veggie recipes

The 16th May marks the start of National Vegetarian Week, a whole week dedicated to scrummy veggie goodness with vegetarian recipes. Sometimes it can be daunting trying something new, especially if you’re a dedicated meat eater, but once you take the first few steps to the vegetarian way of life, we doubt you’ll look back...

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Breathwork for Anxiety

At The Glass House, we’re dedicated to helping you discover a fresh sense of mental nourishment during our Wellness Retreat. When it comes to managing anxiety, there isn’t a one size fits all method. But there are a few small actions we recommend, to help you achieve a happier, healthier and stress-free version of you: a balanced diet, mindfulness, regular exercise. Including the healing...

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Digital Detox on National Unplugging Day!

The 4th March is the ‘National Day of Unplugging’, a day when we are encouraged to ditch our smartphones and other devices in order to completely digitally detox from constant social media feeds, notifications and emails. With this in mind, The Glass House Detox and Wellness Retreat, based in the heart of the Essex countryside is challenging it’s guests and staff to ‘dare ...

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Trouble sleeping? Drinking the right tea can help

Aaah, sleep, glorious sleep. How wonderful it is to drift off to the land of nod, and to arise, refreshed and ready to face the day seven to eight hours later. But how many people do you know who actually get the optimum amount of sleep? When was the last time you woke up naturally from a deep and nourishing sleep, ready to tackle the day without needing a jolt of caffeine to get you going? ...

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Vegan alternatives at the Glass House Retreat

Since the start of Veganuary in 2014, a growing number of people in the UK turn to a plant-based, vegan diet throughout January to support the planet and their health. At the Glass House Retreat, we understand the importance of a well-balanced, plant-based diet, which is why we use vegan alternatives in our cooking - giving you the benefits of a vegan diet to complement your wellness retreat ...

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