
Explore Wellness

Natural swim pond

Best Treatments for your Summer Spas

The longer, lighter, warmer days are the ideal time to indulge in a Summer spa. As our schedules get busier, the sun gets hotter and the beaches beckon, it’s the perfect opportunity to press pause, take timeout for wellness and focus on our physical & mental health. At the Glass House, we know how to ensure a Summer spa helps you do all three.

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Cycling as Outdoor Exercise: A Beginner's Guide

You can't beat a bit of outdoor exercise. No gym subscriptions. No space restrictions. No waiting your turn for the treadmill. It's just you, the great outdoors and as much fresh, clean air as you can breathe...

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The Best Tea for a Good Sleep

Our bodies are beautiful, delicate, complicated things. Like the butterfly that flaps up a whirlwind, even tiny lifestyle changes can have a huge impact on our health and well-being.

For instance, did you know that sipping caffeine-free tea can help you sleep better? In this article, we look at the best blends of tea for a good sleep, as well as the importance of sleep for our health and well-being.

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The Benefits of Crystals on your Energy

We all replenish our energy levels in different ways. Those of us who are extroverted may find themselves supercharged by the presence of others, while introverts gain energy wealth from their own company. Sleeping, eating and exercising all play major parts in our energy levels, especially when executed in a balanced way, tuning into induvial needs. But what else can we look to when searching for...

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Fun workouts for your fitness journey

From the endorphin high to achieving our fitness goals, we all know the benefits exercise can have on our mental and physical health. Yet, not all workouts resonate with that we would call ‘fun’ and it isn't always easy to find the willpower to do a HIIT class or go for a jog after a long day....

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Redefining Detox: healthy and balanced living

Detox, the ultimate buzzword of social media. It’s thrown around in hashtags, captions and even used when describing fad diet products. Originally a word associated with removing harmful substances from your life is now often said without meaning, merit or thought. Why? Because hearing and seeing it so much means we’ve become desensitised to its true meaning and its potential, both good...

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Everything you need to know about Veganuary 2023

We're all familiar with that post-Christmas feeling when we swear we'll never eat another mince pie or Quality Street again. Half-eaten boxes of chocolates haunt the cupboards and the fridge is home to a handful of lone Brussel sprouts. It's time to get back into everyday life, but the thought of regular food shopping (that's shopping without copious amounts of festive cheese) feels uninspiring.

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World Vegan Month: Vegan skincare

When we think of being vegan, it's likely the first thing we'll acknowledge is the exciting change to our diets, perhaps we'll also think about adapting our clothing habits to avoid leather and other goods derived from animals or animal by-products. But did you know there's a whole world of vegan skincare?  November is World Vegan Month and also marks the launch of our new Skincare Retreat...

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Seven top wellness and detox tips for your Winter skincare routine

However much you prioritise a healthy lifestyle, Winter can threaten to throw your hard-won detox and wellness gains off course. Colder temperatures, shorter days and seasonal demands on our diets, routines and time can all impact on our skin. But the great news is you can maintain that healthy Summer glow, even as Winter bites. Here are seven top tips for the best Winter skincare routines....

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How to start your fitness journey

So, you’re ready to start your fitness journey? You may be beginning from scratch, picking up an old hobby, or find yourself with all the gear and no idea. Whatever the reasons to begin your fitness journey, you’re here, and you may now realise getting started is the hardest part. Everyone who has ever started their fitness journey has been through this initial stage. Maybe you’re feeling excited...

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